celebrate New Year's Eve traditions

5 New Year's Eve Traditions to Ring in Good Fortune

Christmas is over and it’s time to ring in the New Year, but don’t start the countdown to 2018 just yet. Sure, champagne, fireworks and a kiss at midnight is a great way to kick off any New Year.

But what if there was something more you could do to welcome the coming year? What if it could possibly bring you good fortune? Would you be willing to give it a try, regardless of how unusual it seems?

Ring in the New Year with These Traditions

There’s a multitude of traditions and customs from cultures around the world that have been observed on New Year’s Eve for generations. Many of these annual rituals are specifically meant to bring prosperity and wealth in the coming year.

Wouldn’t it be nice to never need to get a payday loan ever again? Here are 5 cultural New Year’s Eve traditions that are believed to bring good fortune in the New Year.

Eat a Handful of Grapes

In Spain, the act of eating 12 grapes off the vine (one grape for each month) at midnight is believed to bring robust health and good fortune in the upcoming year.

If nothing else, at least you kick off the New Year with a healthy snack. Either way, it’s certainly a step in the right direction for a happier and healthier year.

grapes ring in good fortune

Wear Something White

In Brazil, it’s common practice to wear white on New Year’s Eve as the clock strikes midnight. The color white represents peace to invite goodwill and harmony into your life this New Year.

Try incorporating something white to go with those sequins. Also, by adding a little yellow into your ensemble, it is believed that money and fortune will find you in the coming year.

Sweep Your Doorway

In some places around the world, it’s a common tradition to break out the broom and sweep up your front doorway on New Year’s Eve before the clock strikes twelve.

Doing so is believed to remove negative energy from your home and your life. But even if bad vibes do come knocking at your door, at least your house will have a clean porch! As the saying goes, “a clean home is a happy home.”

Put Cash in Your Wallet

This New Year’s Eve, be sure to keep a little extra cash in your back pocket. It’s believed that by doing this, you will receive a continuous flow of money throughout the course of the next twelve months.

While you’re at it, it may be a good idea to keep cash on you for the rest of the year. It’s much easier to stay within a budget when you use cash for purchases rather than credit cards.

Related: Want to kick your savings up a notch! Check out these 4 apps to help you conserve more of your money.

New Year's Eve traditions

Eat Black-Eyed Peas

In American southern culture, there’s a tradition which merely involves eating black-eyed peas and lentils on New Year’s Eve right before midnight.

It’s believed that doing so will bring good luck and fortune to you and your family. But if nothing else, black-eyed peas are a healthy food full of protein, vitamins, and fiber, so here’s to your health this new year!

How Will You Celebrate This New Year's?

Now, whether you believe in luck or not, there is no harm in observing some sort of tradition to bring luck for the New Year. It’s also important to remember that we create our own luck through our behaviors and lifestyle. One habit you may want to fall into this New Year would be to set aside a small portion of your income every week for savings.

good fortune New Year's Eve

If each deposit was for $25, you could have $1,300 saved by next New Year’s Eve. That’s a nice little financial cushion you could use to kick off the next New Year right, plus who knows? With some good budgeting practices and a little luck, you may never need a cash advance ever again.

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Mason Roberts

Mason Roberts is a seasoned economics writer and blogger with a knack for breaking down and simply communicating the ever-changing world of finance. He is philosophically committed to the premise that financial knowledge equals financial freedom.