green tips to save cash

8 Earth-Friendly Tips that Will Leave You with More Cash

As Earth Day approaches, it’s good to keep in mind all the wonderful things our planet does for us on a daily basis. We have access to countless life-giving recourses that we sometimes take for granted, like clean water, plentiful food, and a beautiful, oxygen-rich climate.

Save Green and Go Green This Earth Day

On this special day of the year, let’s say a big “thank you” as we give back to our planet, which has never stopped giving life to us. There are so many things that you can do to preserve our planet that not only help save the environment but save you money, tooHere are 8 Earth-friendly tips to help keep your wallet and the Earth green.

Grow Your Own Food

Needless to say, growing your own garden at home is a sure way to help preserve the environment while improving your diet and saving money. Even if you don’t have available gardening space in your yard, you could find a community garden plot. There are also plenty of pot-friendly veggies and herbs you could grow in any area around your home where there’s a patch of sunlight.

Buy an Electric Car

If you have the means, trade in your car for something more fuel-efficient. The money you’ll save on gas and maintenance over time is worth the investment.

earth-friendly tips for cash

If upgrading your ride is too big of an expense for you to cover, you could always consider modernizing some of your home appliances. The home appliances available today come with huge energy-saving benefits. You’ll save a ton on the electric bill while decreasing your carbon footprint on the environment.

Save Water

Some things never change, and the need for conserving water is even more relevant today than it was when we were young. Growing up, we were taught the importance of not wasting water and now it’s time we teach our own kids the importance of little things that make a big difference, like turning off the faucet while brushing or taking shorter showers.

Start Walking

Instead of hopping in the car to run errands, how about walking or biking to the shops instead? If you have a short commute, there is another opportunity for you to save money on gas while doing your part to keep our environment clean. Not only will you be helping out the planet, but you’ll be doing your body a huge favor, too. How much could getting your steps in save you?

earth tips to save more money

How Much Could Going Green Save You This Earth Day?

In many ways, it pays to give planet Earth a helping hand. Use some of these Earth-friendly tips to make your contribution to our environment this Earth Day. You’ll be doing your part in saving the planet we live on while saving yourself some extra cash in the process. It’s a win-win for everyone!


Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Mason Roberts

Mason Roberts is a seasoned economics writer and blogger with a knack for breaking down and simply communicating the ever-changing world of finance. He is philosophically committed to the premise that financial knowledge equals financial freedom.